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The good news is, in Utah, prescriptions for Opioids are DOWN!  Efforts to reduce unnecessary prescriptions have been successful - the number of prescriptions written in Utah is down from 884 to 622 per 1,000 population. However, the prevention race is far from over, as 569 Utahns lost their lives due to a drug overdose in 2021, a 7.1% increase from 2020.


Not only is the opioid prevention path not finished, but there are also additional paths of prevention we need to take. It has become obvious we must travel down other paths of prevention like preventing underage drinking and vaping. This year, our race message has changed a bit. While opioid misuse is still an issue, we are racing to prevent underage drinking, vaping and misuse of drugs in all people – below are some shocking statistics you might not be aware of.


Did you know:

  • 2,019,824 opioid prescriptions were dispensed in 2020 in Utah, and 58% of all overdoses in 2021 involved an opioid and a stimulant?

  • 12.3% of young people in grades 8, 10, and 12 vape in Utah?

  • 18.5% of Utah young adults (18-24) vape (2019)


Did you know underage drinking is a problem:

  • 2,500 10th graders and 4,500 12th graders had a drink in the past 30-days

  • 50% of Utah youth who say they had a drink in the past 30-days also report binge drinking in the past 2 weeks.

  • 40% of 10th and 12th graders who drink, are drinking at home with permission from their parents.


The additional paths to prevention start with each one of us. We hope you will join us down these paths of prevention – together we will make a difference!


Just like in the past, we will still have our awesome volunteers – and lots of uber-cool stuff in our swag bags. Join us as we race in our PATH to PREVENTION!


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Both races begin at 7:00 a.m. The half marathon will cut through the beautiful hills of four cities, Riverdale, South Ogden, Uintah and Washington Terrace, on the Weber Pathways trail. The 5K begins at the trail at Riverdale City office, loops south and ends at the Riverdale City offices. The trail has much foliage to help protect runners from the sun!


Participants for both races will meet at the Riverdale City Offices, (4600 Weber River Dr.), and then the half marathon runners will be bussed to the start of their race at 6660 S 1775 E, Uintah (first bus leaves at 6:00 a.m) and the 5K will start and end at the Riverdale City Offices.


For an interactive view of the course map, click HERE


Participants will be categorized by age:

  • 13-18

  • 19-29

  • 30-39

  • 40-49

  • 50-59

  • 60+


Awards will be announced:

  • 5k at 8:00 am

  • Half Marathon at 9:30 am 


Half Marathon route

The first three miles of the race are on the streets in Uintah, and the rest of the race is on the beautiful paths of the Weber River Parkway.


  • A bus will shuttle runners from Riverdale City offices to the start line in Uintah City.

    • You may leave your car at Riverdale City offices - right by the finish line

  • The run starts at the LDS church @ 6660 S 1775 E

  • Run South To 6775 S and then turn right on 1800 E

  • Follow road back to 6600 S

  • Right (East) on 6600 S to 2275 E and then turn around and head West.

  • Follow 6600 East until it becomes Cottonwood

  • Just before Adams, the Centennial trail takes off to the right and follows the river.

  • Stay on the Centennial trail until Fort Buenaventura park and then turn around.

  • Run back and End at Riverdale City Offices



5K route

  • Start at the parking lot (where it says Riverpark disk golf course on the map)

  • Run on Weber River Drive to the trail (where it says Riverdale bike park on the map)

  • Follow the path South to the footbridge

  • Turn around and follow same route to finish line.



IMPORTANT - There will be no day-of registration. Registration ends August 23rd. 


Packet pickup will be Aug 22, 5:00 pm-7:30 pm and August 23, 9:00 am -1:00 pm at Uintah City Hall, 2191 E 6550 S Uintah, UT 84405


SPECTATOR INFO - This run is being held on a Weber Pathways trail. If you would like to see someone along the race (half marathoners) we suggest you watch for them at the Riverdale City Offices, at the Parker Drive water station, and again at the south end of Fort Buenaventura.


As Covid-19 continues to spread in our communities we will follow the guidance from the Utah Department of Health and the Governor’s office to ensure we are offering a race in line with the most current recommendations to ensure the health safety of our runners and volunteers. If conditions do not allow our race to be held safely, we will offer a full refund.

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